Russell House is a domestic and sexual violence service provider and shelter. We work towards empowering survivors of violence and increasing our communities’ safety in Phelps, Crawford, Dent, and Maries County.

Our History
Russell House began with Dr. Barbara Russell, a local pediatrician who witnessed the aftermath of abuse of children and their mothers, mobilizing her to become a strong advocate and supporter for survivors of violence.
Formed in 1993, initially named Phelps County Family Crisis Services, it became a non-profit organization that provided shelter for women and their children seeking safety from abuse. On January 24, 1994, the doors to a small house opened for the first time, with just 7 beds available. Since then, Russell House has expanded to a 15 bed shelter and four outreach offices.
Today, Russell House services include:
- Shelter
- Crisis Intervention
- Support Groups
- Counseling,
- Court/Legal Advocacy
- Hospital Advocacy
- Safety Planning
- Volunteer Program
- And Awareness Programs
Russell House staff provides community education about domestic violence and sexual assault to community organizations, faith communities, civic groups, and local businesses.

Become a part of Russell House’s history and support survivors of violence by donating, volunteering, learning about domestic and sexual violence.
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